Rules to Follow to Create a Safe Sleep Environment for your Infant

Sleep. The holy grail that all parents seek, for both themselves and their children. The first year of life is tough, and establishing consistent sleep stretches doesn’t come easy for most infants. All parents are looking for that special rocking technique or advanced swaddle that will lull their baby to sleep. But there are no quick fixes, and some of the products available to families can be downright dangerous. Please see the recall information in the link below and review the safe sleep rules. The AAP does not recommend the use of any inclined sleep products. Please make good safe choices for your child.

What you should know: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is a significant threat to infants, but fortunately pediatricians understand some of the things that we can do to create safe sleep for infants. It is important for all families to remember the (4) cardinal rules for safe sleep:

  1. Put babies to sleep on their backs. 
  2. Use a firm and flat mattress. No cushions, soft surfaces, pillows or blankets.
  3. Keep the sleep surface clean- no extra bedding, crib bumpers, etc 
  4. No bed sharing or co-sleeping. 

If you have any questions about the above information or sleep and your baby, please reach out to any of the pediatricians at Pediatric Associates of Dallas.

We want to be a resource for you. Happy safe sleeping and sweet dreams!

Written by: Chrissy Bourland, MD

Dr. Bourland grew up in Huntsville, Alabama and graduated from the University of the South with a degree in American Studies. She received her MD from the University of Alabama School of Medicine and completed her pediatric residency at Children’s Medical Center of Dallas in 2006. Prior to joining PAD, she practiced for 8 years as a pediatric hospitalist at Children’s Medical Center, caring for children with a wide variety of medical conditions and working with medical students and residents discovering the joys of pediatrics. She is passionate about promoting the health of individuals and the health of our collective community.

